Got some questions


All right, so I'm not sure when I'm gona get the LR but I'm going to drain my tank this weekend and get the equipment in place. few questions?
1. This site good to buy stuff from, I'm assuming so and since it has most that I need :thinking:
2. Thinking of asking my mom to register this under her name and let me use it online, anybody have one?
3. Anybody know of any good SW books that you have read that are accurate that I can get from my library?
4. When cycling my tank do I do weekly water changes by gravel vacuuming or do you just change the water? How much should I do on my tank once it's cycled, I'm thinkin 2-3 gallons? probably 2?
5. When making your SW, I know you need a powerhead to keep it moving but since my tank is so small I'm assuming I should use a 25w heater to keep the water the same temperature as my tank? It's ok to use a lid when doing this too right?
Thanks, hope you guys can answer some of my questions, hope to find the rest in books
and online. Don't want to waste all your time. Will post some pictures this weekend when the tanks somewhat ready to go.
Jeeez, looking online here and at other places for things not here, I realized I could have saved a lot of money even after spending 15$ for the visa card. I'v got to get this card, it'l make things so much easier.


Originally Posted by atmachine5
All right, so I'm not sure when I'm gona get the LR but I'm going to drain my tank this weekend and get the equipment in place. few questions?
1. This site good to buy stuff from, I'm assuming so and since it has most that I need :thinking:
Yes this site has good stuff but look around......
2. Thinking of asking my mom to register this under her name and let me use it online, anybody have one?
3. Anybody know of any good SW books that you have read that are accurate that I can get from my library?
"The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Fenner great book also "Aquarium Keeping & Rescue" by DelFavero
4. When cycling my tank do I do weekly water changes by gravel vacuuming or do you just change the water? How much should I do on my tank once it's cycled, I'm thinkin 2-3 gallons? probably 2?
you can but I would just watch your ammonia, nitrites and nitrates mabey every 2 weeks 20%
5. When making your SW, I know you need a powerhead to keep it moving but since my tank is so small I'm assuming I should use a 25w heater to keep the water the same temperature as my tank? It's ok to use a lid when doing this too right?
Yes but a PH is still good
Thanks, hope you guys can answer some of my questions, hope to find the rest in books
and online. Don't want to waste all your time. Will post some pictures this weekend when the tanks somewhat ready to go.
Jeeez, looking online here and at other places for things not here, I realized I could have saved a lot of money even after spending 15$ for the visa card. I'v got to get this card, it'l make things so much easier.
hope this helps


Originally Posted by atmachine5
3. Anybody know of any good SW books that you have read that are accurate that I can get from my library?.
Quads' recommendation on books is good. And if you didn't know, if your particular library branch doesn't have the book you want, you can request an inter-library loan. Your library will find another library that has the book and have it sent to them for you. May take a while, but a great service libraries offer that many don't realize.


Member|%2Fpersonal%2Fcards%2Findex%2Ehtml|Visa%20Reloadable%20Card Sorry here's the link.
What's a PH
Ya I do that, though I'm going to request the books online at home and go with my mom to pick them up, just looking for some names.


O Ok gotcha, ya I have a powerhead for it, rio mini 46 gph or right around there, don't have it in front of me. Just thought a heater would be good so the temperaure doesn't go down because when it was FW the temperature went down if I didn't have it warm from the tap after being treated.


Ok, since it would be a bit hard to heat 2-3 gallons of premix, could I make say 4-5 gallons and take what I need to top off and save the rest of another day, I'm not seeing any problem in this?