Got tagged, yadayadayada

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuegohttp:///forum/post/29568731. How big of a tank do I need?2. How much does all that water weigh?huh? what water?3. How much live rock do I need?its recommended that you use 1-2 lb per gallon4. What is the difference between live rock and live sand?
they basically do the same thing

5. How much sand do I need for my tank?
its recommended that you use 1 lb per gallon

6. What is the Nitrogen Cycle?
The nitrogen cycle of an aquarium is a chain reaction in nature resulting in the birth of various types of nitrifying bacteria, each with their own job to do. Each new bacteria born consumes the previous one, and in turn gives birth to the next bacteria.
The three components involved to make this happen are ammonia (NH³ or NH³+4), nitrite (NO²), and nitrate (NO³). In general the nitrogen cycling process usually takes about 30 days, but there is no exact time frame for this process to complete its task, as each aquarium is different. Factors such as how many fish, other livestock, and organic matter is present in the tank can vary the completion time, one way or the other. Testing your aquarium water during cycling is very important, as this will tell you what phase the aquarium is in at any given time throughout the process.

7. How do I cycle my tank?
you can add live rock and a piece of shrimp to get it started

8. What are some good starter fish?
clownfish, damsels, gobies, blennies, and dottybacks

9. What type of lights do I need to keep soft corals?
power compacts will do just fine

10. What is the correct pH for a tank?

11. How do I balance pH?
12. How to I increase calcium?
add calcium

13. Why is calcium, alkalinity and pH so important?
cuz its good :p

14. How to I cure X disease?

15. How long does it take for a tank to cycle?
around 30 days

16. If I add some liquid bacteria, will it cycle my tank faster?
IMO, no

17. How long does it take a tank to mature?
6 months - 1 year

18. What type of lighting do I need for an anemone?
good T-5s or MH

19. What do you mean I can't have my tank in direct sunlight?
thats a bunch of crap

20. What are nitrates and phosphates, and how do they affect my overall aquarium's health?
21. How often should I do water changes?
every week is good

22. What are the correct salinities to keep X livestock at?
what kind of live stock? if reef then 1.025

23. How much water flow should I have?
watetrs what your going to keep

24. What filter is the best?
live rock and sand

25. What protein skimmer is the best?
matters what kind of live stock u keeping and what size tank u have

26. What are refugiums and how do they work?
they are for micro algae and micro algae takes up nutrients

27. What in the world is that critter? what critter?28. What temp should I keep my tank at? 78-83F for reef29. What is a RO/DI unit? its a filter that is used to filter tap water30. What sort of stocklist can I make up for an X gallon tank?matters how big of a tank you want, do u want it to be reef, fish only?31. What is an overflow box?
r u kidding me?

32. What is an external overflow and how does it work?
there is a tube that siphons water water to the fuge/sump

33. What is an internal overflow box and how does it work?
drains water into the sump/fuge

34. What return pump should I use?
matters what kind of tank size you have

35. What is the purpose of having a sump?
to hide the crappy look of the skimmer, heater and such

36. How much flow should I have through my sump?
matters what size sump and tank u have

37. How much light should I have over my refugium?
power compacts will do just fine

38. What type of algae is the best to grow in a refugium?

39. What in the world is a "turf algae scrubber?"
lots of good info

40. How much time does the hobby take up for you?
like 40 min a week

41. How much money do you spend each year on your tanks?
dont want to tell anyone

42. How much time do you spend watching your tanks?
have no idea, probably alot

43. Why should I get a saltwater tank to begin with?
no one is making you get a sw tank

44. What is a deep sand bed? 45. What is considered a shallow sand bed? 1 inch

46. How are calcium and alkalinity and pH all interrelated?

47. How much will this cost?
what cost?

48, Are you kidding?

49. Will this take away from your family time, and affect your life adversely?

50. How much do you spend a week/month/year on reefkeeping?
dont wana tell anyone

51. How much patience do I have? (one to ask yourself)
have no idea

u r evil

coral keeper

Active Member
PEZenfuego;2956876 said:
52. Do I have plumbing, carpentry and electrical skills? (aquarists are handymen in all trades lol)no, u cant do ----53. How do I move an already established aquarium? drain the water, take out all the fish and move de damn tank54. How do I properly acclimate fish? drip acclimate 55. How do I properly acclimate corals and invertebrates?drip acclimate56. How do I know when to add my first fish?when the cycle is over57. What should my first fish be? a damsel
58. How long should I leave my lights on?
matters what kind of lights u have

59. What would be the perfect setup (in your eyes)
a dominated sps tank

60. How often do you have to perform "tank maintenance"?

61. I have high alkalinity, how do I lower it?
62. AHH I HAVE ICH! What do I do??

63. What is hair algae?
its a freakin algae, what more do u want?

64. How can I get rid of hair algae?
less nutrients

65. What is cyanobacteria?
its a type of algae

66. How can I get rid of cyanobacteria?
less nutrients

67. What is bryopsis?
its a type of algae

68. How can I get rid of bryopsis?
less nutrients

69. What are some great herbivorous creatures?
tangs and blennies

70. What are some great detritus eaters?
snails and fighting conches

71. What is detritus?
fish crap

72. How can I prevent the build up of detritus?
siphon it out

73. What is phytoplankton?
Phytoplankton is a combination of free floating algaes and other organisms which grow abundantly in all the oceans. It survives off of light and nutrience, and is the most basic foundation of the food chain. Because it is the most basic foundation of the food chain, corals and filter feeding invertebrates eat it to survive. It is best dosed live in the system because of nutrient uptake.

74. What should I feed my herbivorous fish?
? Herbivorous fish should be constantly fed lots of seaweed and algae such as red and green nori sheets, red kelp, and seaweed. You can also feed them vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, and lettuce.

75. What should I feed my carniverous or omnivorous fish?
Carnivorous fish should be fed a very large variety of meaty foods such as squid, octopus, shrimp, crab, soft shell clams, hard shell clams, scallops, mussels, silversides, trout, flounder, whitefish, haddock, grouper, perch, tuna, cod, eel, herring, salmon,(but you should keep it light on the oily fish), cyclopeeze, oyster eggs, mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, krill. Take it VERY light when adding oily fish, here is a list of oily fish silversides, trout, flounder, whitefish, haddock, grouper, perch, tuna, cod, eel, herring, and salmon. The reason on why you should take it light on oily fish is that if you add too much oily fish, you can ruin your water quality very quickly. Another thing you can do is add some veggies like nori to give them a bigger variety. If you have picky fish, you can add garlic juice which entices the fish to eat. Fresh garlic juice also strengthens fish’s immune system which helps them fight disease.

76. Should I try to feed my hermit crabs and snails?
meaty foods

77. How do I make my own fish food?
blend some meaty food up

78. Can I use playbox sand?
hell no

79. Can I use inert sand?
wtf is inert sand??

80. How good does sand really buffer pH?
good enough to hold it during the day

81. Glass or acrylic?
glass all the way

82. What is TDS?
---- in tap water

83. what is a DI unit?
deionization filtration

84. How do you filter your water?
live rock and sand


coral keeper

Active Member
85. RO/DI vs. Tap water? u kidding me?? ro/di all the way86. What is the efficiantcy of using an RO Unit? filters all the ---- out of the tap water
87. Cost vs savings of using an RO Unit?
matetrs what size system u have

89. What's the best salt to use?
there is no "best" salt

90. Why shouldn't I mix natural salt with synthetic salt mixes?
because the elements are diff in each 1

91. What is kalkwasser/limewater?
92. What is the pH of kalkwasser?
93. How do you mix kalkwasser?
94. How do you dose kalkwasser?
95. If food causes nitrates and phosphates, how can I limit nitrates/phosphates getting into my system?
You can limit nitrates and phosphates from getting into your system by feeding less. It also matters what kind of food you are feeding. If it’s a type of food that has a lot of oily fish, try to either get another try of food that has less oily fish or just feed less of the current food you’re feeding
96. What is a good macroalgae to use in my display tank?

97. What is a "lagoon style" tank?
a tank in the ground

98. What other types of tanks are there out there that are not standard?
all kinds

99. How can I control evaporation?
u shouldnt

100. How do glass tops effect gas exchanges and pH?
it doesnt let air get into a tank


Active Member
Pez did say he was tagging a 'girl' next

....and girls are usually the one's that ask lots of questions....I ain't sayin', I'm just sayin'...

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuegohttp:///forum/post/2956878151. How many amps do I need to run all of my equipment? i hate u152. What is salt creep? freakin salt that dries up on your tank153. What do I need to do to prevent condensation from getting into electrical equipment?wtf do u want?154. I am getting a voltage current in my tanks! What do I do? stop buying cheap ----
155. What are eddy currents?
wtf is that?

156. A powerhead blew up in my tank, what damage can it do?
blow your freakin tank up thats y u dont use cheap shitty powerheads

157. Can pumps and powerheads add heat to my tank?

158. What is a phosphate reactor?
159. What is a carbon reactor?
160. What is a kalkwasser stirrer?
161. What is a calcium reactor?
a thing that adds calcium to a tank

162. What is an automatic feeder, and can I use one?
r u kidding me? what knd of question is that??

163. What is a "polyfilter?"
a frakin filter

164. What is a fluidized sand bed filter?
a type of filter

165. How much will I see my electrical bill go up?
by alot

166. What are the usual monthly bills associated with keeping an aquarium?

167. How much does it cost to feed your fish each month?
matetrs how many fish ugot

168. How do I plumb in multiple aquariums on the same sump?
drill your frakin tanks

169. What size sump would I need to buy to plumb in more then one aquarium?
a big 1

169. How would you set up an awesome breeding system? (maybe not so noob)
y on earth would i wana tell you? i dont revile secrets

170. Can I set my aquarium in a sun room or a green house type of setting in my house?
y not

171. How do I calibrate a refractometer?
how the hell am i supposed to know? i dotn have 1

172. How do I catch this shrimp?
use your brain, thats y u have 1

173. How do I kill aiptasia?
get a hammer and beat the crap out of it

174. What do feather dusters eat?
things in the water column

175. How and what do I feed my corals?

176. Do fish sleep?

177. How come some skimmers don't work right away and need a break-in period?

178. What precautions should be taken when handling corals?
what precautions?

179. Why do I have to quarantine, my lfs seems okay?
cuz your lfs sucks

180. Why is live rock so expensive?
so the lfs can make money

181. Why do I need so much live rock?
cuz its a filter

182. If live rock seeds base rock, then how much rock to I need to start with for X gallons of water, and how much base rock do I need to add?
5 lb lr for every 100 lb of base rock

183. How long does it take liverock to seed base rock?month or 2 i think184. Should I buy fish aquacultured or wild caught?what ever the hell u want185. How long after acclimation do corals usually open up?not long186. How do you "cook" live rock?
y the hell would u want to cook live rock?

187. Do cleaner clams really reduce nitrates?

188. What type of fish/invert traps are there?
too many to list

189. Can I make any traps myself?
y not

190. Why are my corals melting away?
cuz u suck as keeping sw tanks

191. Why are my SPS corals melting away?
cuz u suck

192. Why can't I get coralline algae to grow?
cuz u suck

193. What is the purpose of coralline algae, why is it good, why do you want it?
nothing really, it just looks nice thats all

194. What is a quarantine aquarium?
a place to keep new fish

195. How big should my quarantine be?
bigger than a 1 gallon

196. How much copper do I need to add? What is the correct ppm?
how the hell am i supposed to know?

197. What is hyposalinity and how can I do it?
it lowers the sg of your tank so the ick can die

198. What type of lighting should I have for my quarantine tank?
any kind u want

199. Should I quarantine corals too?
if u want to

200. What are Red Bugs?
a bug that kills corals



Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You're soo wrong! All your answers about tanks are wrong!!!!

I'm pretty sure he's doing it on purpose. I actually thought that Snakeblitz would be appreciative of him answering some of the questions...but these answers are of no value lol.