got tank back, next...


New Member
Hi all,
I got the tank back from the glass shop this after noon, and have the bulkhead installed. Over the past few weeks, I've been diluting Instant ocean in ro/di water in 5 gallon buckets, and am ready for the next step.
From the books I've read, my next step should be water and sand in the tank next. But I do not have enough water/salt mixture yet, if I fill the tank 2/3 way up first, how do I add the live sand? Do I just dump it in the water and let it sink to the bottom? Will my live sand die if the salinity is incorrect? I know salinity is high in the 5g buckets and will need to be adjusted once I fill the tank up all the way (150g).
Any suggestions?


well i am setting up my 200 now
steps i took added pure water first checked all pumps and plumbing and double checked level ? found level out drained tank releveled check pumps again let it run for 2 days get oxygen in the water everything is fine then added salt run for 5 days salinty is perfect all is working well 200lbs LR and 300 lbs of Ls will be here tommorrow i will drain 50gallons into rubber maid add rock then add sand ( iprefer to put rock on glass this is personal preference and has worked well for me ) take extra water and do a nice water change in the 75 gallon tank take 75 gallon tank water and redo the hospital tank piece of cake


Active Member
If I was you I would add the water to the tank and as was said check all your plumbing and such to make sure there are no leaks. Then you can add your sand. You can just dump it in if you want it won't harm anything. If your adding lr you can put it in first then add sand or put it on your sand. I'm sur some will say this is bad. Thats what I did. Most likely if you salt level is high you will have to add some more water to balance it out.
i'd have to go with slick on this one. with my to be blue spot tank, first i filled it up the full way with fresh water ran everything, then dumpt it all, filled it half way up. added salt, then added sand/lr. then filled it all the way up leaving a little room at top to fiddle with salinity. then i ran it for 2 days and began cycling.


New Member
Thanks for the feedback. I had to buy 2 hose to fill it up with plain water. No leaks!
Water flows onto the corner and drains quietly! Will let pump run for 2-3 days before I connect the hose to the pump and drain.
Then the real fun begins. Buying the LS!