Got the go ahead.


I got the go ahead to move to a bigger tank. I have to wait until after the wedding so in the middle of sept. I'll be getting a 75. I was able to convice the wife-to-be that it was in the best interest of the fish to have a bigger tank. The scary part is she knows what the hobby costs and she took very liitle convincing.
Right now I have zoos, shrooms, star polyps and an ANchor coral. The end goal is to be anble to keep LPS and SPS corals. I need to know what lighting setups other reffers are running. and if there are any preassembled hood/lighting assemblies that are adequate. SOme pics of 75s might be helpful so I can see what tanks look like under different lighting schemes.

Active Member
i have to 2nd the lighting that kip said for have sps MH are a must here is a pic of my 72bofront with just PC lighting (370watts)


Active Member

Originally posted by Lochi
The scary part is she knows what the hobby costs and she took very liitle convincing.

Clearly then you didn't ask for a big enough tank. Before the wedding reinitiate the dialogue and go for something at least 6' long :D