Got the QT set up, ph probs


Hey's me again. I've had my QT set up and running now for about a week. Since its been running, my ph has been fluctuating every couple days. It was low on day one, 7.8. I went to the lfs and purchased proper ph 8.2. Added it, ph climbed and then next day, back down to 7.8. Added it again, same thing, again. I then did about a 5% wc with tank water from my display, it stayed perfect for 3 days, I think, and now it's dropping again. Is this normal? Should I continue to add the proper ph? If so, how often?
It's a 12 gal with crushed coral for substrate. Pretty much no frills. There is also 2 green chromis in now and the tank is beginning to cycle (Ammonia has been climbing last two days). Any thoughts and info (as always) would be much appreciated. TY


Active Member
i wanna say tht the ph goes down when you turn the light of so make sure the lights have been on for a few hours b4 you test ph.
keep an eye on the chromis
this is a qt correct


Originally Posted by bill109
i wanna say tht the ph goes down when you turn the light of so make sure the lights have been on for a few hours b4 you test ph.
keep an eye on the chromis
this is a qt correct
I tested tonight after the lights have been on for about 8 hrs.


Originally Posted by AlbFishin'
Hey's me again. I've had my QT set up and running now for about a week. Since its been running, my ph has been fluctuating every couple days. It was low on day one, 7.8. I went to the lfs and purchased proper ph 8.2. Added it, ph climbed and then next day, back down to 7.8. Added it again, same thing, again. I then did about a 5% wc with tank water from my display, it stayed perfect for 3 days, I think, and now it's dropping again. Is this normal? Should I continue to add the proper ph? If so, how often?
It's a 12 gal with crushed coral for substrate. Pretty much no frills. There is also 2 green chromis in now and the tank is beginning to cycle (Ammonia has been climbing last two days). Any thoughts and info (as always) would be much appreciated. TY
You shouldn't have any substrate in the QT. Have you tested your alkalinity? What are your other test readings? Too many disolved organics are acidic and can cause a ph drop. What kind of water are you using for water changes? Have you tested your water source?


Staff member
With ammonia present, it is best to leave it at 7.8, since ammonia become more toxic with higher pH. Continue to do water changes, however, and an ammonia lock product.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
You shouldn't have any substrate in the QT. Have you tested your alkalinity? What are your other test readings? Too many disolved organics are acidic and can cause a ph drop. What kind of water are you using for water changes? Have you tested your water source?
I performed about a 3.5 gal h2o change this morning and just finished testing a few minutes ago (12 gal eclipse). I used water from the DT for this change which is skewing my numbers (esp. nitrates) a little. I use tap for all other changes.
ph= 7.8
amm= .50
ntrite= .25
ntrate= 40
kH= 9.28
alk= 3.31
temp= 80
sal.= 1.022
I wish I would've read the thread with regard to substrate before purchasing and setting up. What do you think? :notsure:


If you just set it up and have 2 chromis in a 12 gallon then you are just going through the cycle (you could have done it without the fish). Just let it finish cycling. Keep doing water changes. You got a reading of 40 nitrates after a 3 gall change? What are your nitrates in the DT??? As far as the ph fluctuations, keep using the buffer and keep a close eye on it. I may have asked before, but have you tested your ph in your tap? Are you adding enough buffer at a time? Be sure to read the instructions. Also, what kind of salt are you using? My ph gets locked right in and never moves from 8.2 I also use tap and oceanic salt. When I was using Instant Ocean it never budged either.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
If you just set it up and have 2 chromis in a 12 gallon then you are just going through the cycle (you could have done it without the fish). Just let it finish cycling. Keep doing water changes. You got a reading of 40 nitrates after a 3 gall change? What are your nitrates in the DT??? As far as the ph fluctuations, keep using the buffer and keep a close eye on it. I may have asked before, but have you tested your ph in your tap? Are you adding enough buffer at a time? Be sure to read the instructions. Also, what kind of salt are you using? My ph gets locked right in and never moves from 8.2 I also use tap and oceanic salt. When I was using Instant Ocean it never budged either.
I did my big h2o change in the DT (remember, from our other post-trying to get it down also) and got trates down from 40 to 20.
I haven't checked ph on tap, and I am also using Instant Ocean. I'll keep a close eye on the buffer. Thanks sep


Originally Posted by AlbFishin'
I did my big h2o change in the DT (remember, from our other post-trying to get it down also) and got trates down from 40 to 20.
I haven't checked ph on tap, and I am also using Instant Ocean. I'll keep a close eye on the buffer. Thanks sep
Ok, well keep me posted on how things go