Got these yesterday!


My new deresa & ricordia. The spotted goby is like a shovel picking up sand and spitting it out his gills. Really doing a great job cleaning the sandbed.



Got all from lfs 2 hours away. I keep hearing that clams are difficult to keep. I acclimated about 1/2 hour then put it in the tank. It was completely open and looked exactly like it did in the lfs within about 30 seconds.


yeah, the goby is a good conversation peice,
everyone likes him filtering the sand rather than the expensive corals


yeah those gobies are AWESOME....make sure you have the top of your tank coverd up like fort knox....i have went through four of these guys...they all seemed to find a way out of my tank....i have no idea how...but they all jumped and died....they will get out of the smallest hole.


Active Member
I put my diamond goby in my tank 15 days ago and THAT WAS THE LAST TIME I'VE SEEN IT. MIA.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck
I put my diamond goby in my tank 15 days ago and THAT WAS THE LAST TIME I'VE SEEN IT. MIA.
Thats never a good sign

I also had a Diamond goby take the leap of faith about a month ago
Make sure that tank is covered


Can't cover the tank it would get way too hot. If he jumps he's cat food. I have never seen him go near the top of the tank though. He just stays at the bottom filtering out all my microfauna from the sandbed. He is an orange spotted sleeper goby. Has anyone ever had one of those jump out?

yeffre kix

They are all known to jump out. However each fish may be different.
An easy and inexpensive way to cover your tank is eggcrate. Its a plastic grid used to cover fluorescent lighting. You can pick up a sheet at lowes or home depot for 6-7 bucks and cut to shape for your rank opening. You'll have no problems with heat or gas exchange.


Active Member
I have it covered and have been checking the floor on a daily basis. No luck. I hope its just buried in the rocks somewhere.


Ok my tank has been nothing but a sandstorm since I added this sleeper goby. Will this guy eventually settle down or will my sand be sifted enough eventually that it won't cloud the tank as much. Wierdly my corals have perked up and the fish don't seem to mind.


Active Member
Very nice stuff, be careful though, my diamond goby hopped the leap of death the first night he was in the tank, managed to save him though.


Active Member
Oh yeah he will do it the most the first day, and less and less for the next week or so and then he wont stir much of anything up at all.


I just got a diamond goby and a crocea clam yesterday and that goby has sand all over the place i have never seen my water so cloudy. But i guess thats the price you pay cause hes really fun to watch!