THANK YOU!! I can definitely tell I am hooked on this saltwater thing. There was no way I was going to bed without them moving out of their corner!! finally! I liked this pair especially because their color was very deep. I originally a few days ago picked a set of maroon that were more orange/red with the white stripes, but one of the pair died and then the female got ich. My lfs wanted me to take them last Tuesday when they came in, I am like, "NO WAY" just in case I wanted them to quarentine them for a week or so....they tell me, they are harder and barely every die. Well one of mine did and that other with ich was not a pretty site. My best advice, NEVER take them home first day they are delivered to lfs, wait it out, pay for them and then let them keep em just in case! Used my credit and bought these instead, a little more money but they were much prettier.