Gotta start them early!


Our daughter wants to be a groomer like her dear ol'mom so tonight when I decided to give our dog Sully a bath she wanted to help. Hubby couldn't resist taking some photos of her helping give Sully a bath and dry. He's a big guy, supposedly Standard Poodle. He even came with papers LOL. I think mom stepped out on dad.

This is inside the new grooming bus and I groom him to look like a Black Russian Terrier which is why his face is so long.


Well-Known Member

I thought standard poodles were a good sized dog???? Anyway...Your daughter is very, very cute and she looks pretty happy to be helping. green dye for St. Pats day?


Active Member
Standard poodles are supposed to be a decent sized dog. Sully is huge for a standard poodle. That and his horrible fur make him a nonstandard poodle. his mom either stepped out on dad or dad wasnt what he was saying he was.
Evie loves to help groom. Since Sully is the best behaved dog we have, she helps with him. Heck, I even groomed sully once.
Green blo-paint wont show up on black fur. But we did have Jig's Dinner yesterday. My wife and I almost polished off an entire brisket ourselves.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/384603/gotta-start-them-early#post_3369798
Standard poodles are supposed to be a decent sized dog. Sully is huge for a standard poodle. That and his horrible fur make him a nonstandard poodle. his mom either stepped out on dad or dad wasnt what he was saying he was.
Evie loves to help groom. Since Sully is the best behaved dog we have, she helps with him. Heck, I even groomed sully once.
Green blo-paint wont show up on black fur. But we did have Jig's Dinner yesterday. My wife and I almost polished off an entire brisket ourselves.
LOL...My mom went crazy with brisket...she made six of them over the last month, by St. Pats day I was sick of it. I love having the children help, seeing life through their eyes. I really love to see Moms and daughters bond, it makes memories that last a lifetime.


Active Member
My parents have had a few Standard Poodles. They ranged in weight from 60 or so pounds up to around 90 pounds.


Believe me, I use him as a demo dog at grooming shows and NONE of the groomers who come over to ask what kind of dog he is ever guesses Standard Poodle. He's not built like one, his fur doesn't grow like one, and he's much bigger than the normal St poodle. He weighs in at about 105 pounds.