Grammer Question


Active Member
I'm writing procedures for some of our systems at work. And can't decide, normally you use "an" with a word that start with or has a vowel as the first sound. But "an user" sounds soo wrong. Is this correct grammer or not. I've gone online and found "official" documentation published by various corporations with "a user" and others with "an user" who is right?


You use "a" because even though the word "user" begins with a vowel, it SOUNDS like it begins with the letter "Y".
Same with the other.. as in "We work on AN honor system"
It's not what the next word actually begins with, but rather, what it sounds like it begins with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
You use "a" because even though the word "user" begins with a vowel, it SOUNDS like it begins with the letter "Y".
Same with the other.. as in "We work on AN honor system"
It's not what the next word actually begins with, but rather, what it sounds like it begins with.

I'd seen "an honor" but never the other way.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
I'd seen "an honor" but never the other way.
A ukulele...
A universal size.
A Utah postage stamp...
A United Nations agreement...
I'm trying to think of more words that start with a vowel but SOUND as though it were a consonant.


Yes and,
A one time deal.
I can't believe you made me google this...

The Rule
The rule states that “a” should be used before words that begin with consonants (e.g., b, c ,d) while “an” should be used before words that begin with vowels (e.g., a,e,i). Notice, however, that the usage is determined by the pronunciation and not by the spelling, as many people wrongly assume.
found here...


Active Member
yep Tizz is right. My mom knows everything about the english language. Dangling particples and all.
The english language is the most difficult. Especially when trying to teach it to your children. I remember many a night when my child asked......"but why is it like that??" After awhile you just end up saying " just because....thats why"