
ric maniac

Active Member
ok, i have a huge pet peve that i need to get off my chest. this pet peve is grammer, one of the simplest things on earth. i have been on the internet all day because i had nothing better to do (im sick of aquarium junk and painting). and as i have been reading things, i realize how poor grammer is becoming. for instance someone said on the internet "he make him do all of that stuff"!!! and to top it all off people are even using words incorrectly. now, dont get me wrong, i make typos all the time but this is different. these are cases of intelegence, or lack of intelegence! im sorry but it makes me more and more ticked off every time i see something like this! hehe


Active Member
Originally Posted by ric maniac
ok, i have a huge pet peve that i need to get off my chest. this pet peve is grammer, one of the simplest things on earth. i have been on the internet all day because i had nothing better to do (im sick of aquarium junk and painting). and as i have been reading things, i realize how poor grammer is becoming. for instance someone said on the internet "he make him do all of that stuff"!!! and to top it all off people are even using words incorrectly. now, dont get me wrong, i make typos all the time but this is different. these are cases of intelegence, or lack of intelegence! im sorry but it makes me more and more ticked off every time i see something like this!

cmon ric... what if someone had a big problem with not capitolizing at the start of each sentence... or not using the proper punctuation... or not using apostrophies... or starting a sentence with a conjunction... or misspelling the word grammar... they would be goin crazy over your post...

ric maniac

Active Member
haha, i was waiting for someone to notice that. i cant have a thread be copletely serious, thats just not my style. but seriously it really makes me mad


Active Member
I kind of had an idea you were pulling legs. I mean to start a thread spelling "grammar" wrong. Go to bed.

ric maniac

Active Member
lol ok, as you know when reading typing its kinda hard to tell the mood the person is in. and thats what they TELL us


Active Member
You didn't mean to spell grammar incorrectly nor did you mean any of the other errors you made. I guess it is just a case of "intelegence"

I think the only thing that annoys me more than improper English is hypocracy.


Originally Posted by ric maniac
ok, i have a huge pet peve that i need to get off my chest. this pet peve is grammer, one of the simplest things on earth. i have been on the internet all day because i had nothing better to do (im sick of aquarium junk and painting). and as i have been reading things, i realize how poor grammer is becoming. for instance someone said on the internet "he make him do all of that stuff"!!! and to top it all off people are even using words incorrectly. now, dont get me wrong, i make typos all the time but this is different. these are cases of intelegence, or lack of intelegence! im sorry but it makes me more and more ticked off every time i see something like this! hehe

Ric, you were not trying to kid with anyone. Don't try to play it off now. I understand how you feel, but how can you get angry or have a "pet peeve" over something that you do.


Active Member
Open mouth.......ok, now insert foot...... allllll the way, there ya go!!! Let's not kick his teeth in. I think it's a lesson learned...


Active Member
how does spelling have anything to do with intelligence, i cant spell worth a damn does that make me stupid, or uneducated?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
how does spelling have anything to do with intelligence, i cant spell worth a damn does that make me stupid, or uneducated?
same here! i couldnt spell if my life depended on it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
how does spelling have anything to do with intelligence, i cant spell worth a damn does that make me stupid, or uneducated?
I don't know who your question is directed to. However, the problem with the thread is that he is saying how he hates improper grammar. It is hypocritical to question somebody's intelligence when you can't write any better. Intelligence is a pretty broad topic. If you can't work well with numbers but are a gifted writer, does that make you unintelligent? Most would say no. However, if the person who is a gifted writer makes fun of somebody who can't do algebra, you might not pay a whole lot of attention anymore.


Active Member
Originally Posted by team2jndd
I don't know who your question is directed to. However, the problem with the thread is that he is saying how he hates improper grammar. It is hypocritical to question somebody's intelligence when you can't write any better. Intelligence is a pretty broad topic. If you can't work well with numbers but are a gifted writer, does that make you unintelligent? Most would say no. However, if the person who is a gifted writer makes fun of somebody who can't do algebra, you might not pay a whole lot of attention anymore.
my question was directed at the poster , im not mad i would like an explenation thuogh


Active Member
c'mon folks the poster is 13. i'm 32 and i don't use proper capitalization, or punctuation for that matter . in fact i had someone gripe at me about it on a post not even a week ago and he misspelled 2 words in his complaint !