Gravel Mix

Has anyone ever attempted to mix a combination of live sand and gravel,(the type used in fresh water tanks)? Just wondering if this can be done, and if not, what would be the potential outcome? Now that hubby is getting interested he is testing me with a bunches of questions I hadn't thought of. I couldn't give him a reason that we couldn't do this. Please help me satisfy his hunger for information.

mandarin w

I would say no. Just figurein here. But I would think the wait of the gravel being heavier, would make it sink under the sand. The gravel like crushed coral, would leave little pockets that the nitrates could build up. Other problem being that you have to vacume gravel to keep it clean. Sand you are not suppose to vacume. I believe 90% of the gravel is dyed in some way. or treated that could leach back to the tank. The gravel is not porus like sand and live rock, so it could help with the bio filtration. And last but not least there are a lot of little critters
That move mouths full of sand to make their homes. The gravel is just to big and heavy.
Thank you all so much for the answers, now at least I have some ammunition for getting rid of all this gravel. ****big smile****