Gravel Vacuum


Can you use a Gravel Vacuum on LS, I know it's meant for cc, but I just wasn't sure if you can use it on ls or not. and if not, what do you use to clean the bottom of the tank then?


Active Member
Originally Posted by brently78
Can you use a Gravel Vacuum on LS, I know it's meant for cc, but I just wasn't sure if you can use it on ls or not. and if not, what do you use to clean the bottom of the tank then?
I use a gravel syphon to syphon the top layers of detrius out of my tank, and use my thump on the output to control the water and sand flow,, you should see how black and dirty the water i have taken out is, and i have a good cleaning crew as well! I also have lowered my nitrates considerably and i am convinced that the syphoning has something to do with it!


Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
I use a gravel syphon to syphon the top layers of detrius out of my tank, and use my thump on the output to control the water and sand flow,, you should see how black and dirty the water i have taken out is, and i have a good cleaning crew as well! I also have lowered my nitrates considerably and i am convinced that the syphoning has something to do with it!
Yup, Just do it lightly, don't dig in. I use the vacume everytime. I generally don't lose more than a few grains of sand.