Great cleaner shrimp


New Member
I have a cleaner shrimp that is very active. Currently only the damsels let him do his work; however, they let him work on them for 5 minutes at a time. What a neat thing to watch. I'll try to get some pics of him doing his job.


I would like to see some pics if you ever get any, I'm getting one as soon as ships them (if they ever do). Sounds like they have quite the personality, and I'm really looking forward to getting mine. Has it been interesting to watch?


New Member
I bought mine from SWF along with a CB shrimp and they are both great to watch. The 2 damsels fight over who gets cleaned. The shrimp gets inside their gills, mouth, sides and tail. When the fish tries to leave the Shrimp makes every effort to hang on. Really neat stuff. I will get some pics Sunday.