Great Deal or Not???


Hello. This guy is selling a :
12 gallon Eclipse saltwater tank. Stable for 3 years. Six diffrent kinds of mushrooms, tree coral, Anemone, purple stripe feather duster, marroon and yellow stripe clown, two damsels, 25+ pds of live rock, many mushrooms and crabs. Full testing supplies, Lifegard big digital temp alert gauge, Coral life bulb, extra power head.
How much do you think I should give him?? Or what is all of this worth? I'm not familar with Eclipse tanks. Are they good? Thanks everyone. :thinking:


Active Member
That's a good deal, seeing as how nanos usually run for $100 while empty...
...Why did you post this topic in like... 3 different places?
I don't think that it belongs in the classified section, seeing as how you aren't WTB or FSing anything...


why not post it here he/she wants to know if its a good buy? Where would you post it? And you gave the answer this person was looking for!


Tough crowd out here these days.

Better start packin' a lion fish to swim these waters.

If you can get that setup for $100, you better jump on it.


Active Member
Yes its worth $100 if it looks good. But plan on replacing the tank. Its stinks! I have the 6 gallon and I plan to rip it down within the week.


I say its a good deal! Why doersnt anyone like the tank though?


Active Member
Its plastic.
It uses a bio-wheel (nitrate producer)
Its lighting is limited.
It does not looks as nice as most other tanks.
Its filter does not give room for much else besides their own cartridge.
Ya want more?
But bueaty is in the eye of the beholder.


Active Member
There are differing opinions on Bio-Wheels.
I use a Bio-Wheel filter and I have absolutely no nitrates or nitrites. *Shrug*


Active Member
Originally Posted by sunysideup
Hello. This guy is selling a :
12 gallon. Stable for 3 years.
$35 Six mushrooms,
$30 tree coral,
$0 Anemone - This tank is way too small and the lighting is inadiquite.
$10 purple stripe feather duster,
$15 marroon and yellow stripe clown This clown get too big for a 12 gallon
$10 two damsels,
$100 25+ pds of live rock,
$25 many mushrooms
$8 crabs.
$depends Full testing supplies,
$25 Lifegard big digital temp alert gauge,
$8 Coral life bulb,
$15 power head.
There is what its worth from the store.