Great idea. lol


New Member
So I just returned from my house. Was getting an estimate from carpentar for some ceiling work and outside work...anyhow he saw my fistank and told me that he was just given a Stand up Piano which he was in middle of restoring and adding a fish tank in the top part section with plants on top....What a cool idea !!
I told him about the site and to think about Saltwater fish..hes going to decide later....haha i just love the idea of fish aquairum in a piano..wonder if other people have some unique placements of their tanks. ?


Active Member
i think it would freak the fish out everytime someone decided to play the piano:D, how about those acrlyic coffie table tanks? i thought those were cool


Active Member
He'd have to insulate it well from the sound, if it was to be played. If it was simply decorative, it does sound cool.
But the vibration could stress the fish if played.


New Member
Yeah i asked him about that....he is gutting the inside so you won't actually be able to play..
Those Coffee table tanks look pretty cool...don't know about where you put the pumbs and what not....interesting though.


Active Member
what usually comes up in my mind about tanks being in strange places is ... how the heck am i going to change the water every two weeks and how am i going to run that many cords through the tank esp trying to find space add a backpack type of skimmer in the back of the tank
if it were up to me i would teardown the wall in my grandparent's livingroom and put a tank there, and behind the tank is a huge closet, perfect for a sump and refuge. but some people are just too cheap:p, lol