Im actually on day 4 of the program..
So far Ive treated like this:
1)Skimmer off, media in filter out..
Day 1) Kick Ich, Rally
Day 2) Rally
Day 3) Rally
Today, Day 4) Kick Ich, skimmer on
The next 3 days will be rally only with the skimmer off.. then Kick Ich when the bottle says to add again.
I have 15 various corals and 3 anemonies in my tank, and a seahorse in the refugium, as well as 24 snails.... all are doing great!! The visible parasites were gone in under 30 hours off of my purple and powder blue tangs.
The combo was recomended to me by my LFS... which is celebrating its 90th year in business next weekend! I had contemplated the combo before but he gaveme the reasurance I needed to try it.
Anyway, it is working great and has not harmed anything.. even my sponges and flowerpot coral.
I thought a lot of people could save a lot of little lives with this recipe