This is new to me :thinking: ... I was checking out my tank after hours with a red light to see what was going on. I couldnt resist some pics of Sarah the Foxface sleeping in the green star polyps
No, this not my new camera, when I get it u will know :jumping: :cheer: :joy:
to cute... the foxfaces are very neat how they change there color,,,they think there hiding from you...thanks for sharing...that is cool...have a great day....
Originally Posted by ginarox
to cute... the foxfaces are very neat how they change there color,,,they think there hiding from you...thanks for sharing...that is cool...have a great day....
Yea right, he has really been a great fish with such a personality
Originally Posted by stsweene
ha, thats great, my saddle puffer wedges himself between my gsp and the glass and sleeps there... good pics!
Do you have a pic to share :joy:
Originally Posted by Squishy
How old is greenstar poylp. I haven't seen many with that long of poylps.
Great Pics
Great lookin tank
.I got the gsp about 6 years ago, but that particular piece is frag off of the mother colony that is about 5mths. I have seen a few different colonies in other tanks and this particular "strain" has some super long polyps :joy: ...
efish :happyfish nsea
Please post some more pics of your tank I like the eye candy. Just a question about your anemone. How big is he. I have the same type but as soon as he gets to be about 6" he splits on me.
Originally Posted by Squishy
that stuff is known to grow like a weed in the right condintions. If you really need help I would take some off your hands.
I have some really nice frags in my frag tank, whats your email and I'll send you some pics, mabey we can trade???