Greeen Star Polyp


yesterday i bought a green star polyp and it still isnt out!!! is this normal?? Do they require alot of light??


They need atleast pc lighting. and they like a good amount of flow going over them. The first peice of gsp i ever bought took about 5 days to start to open. make sure they are getting some flow and then its just a matter of time.
You want to choose wisely about there permenant location in the tank. they are encrusting and will take over your tank smothering other corals in the process. giving them an island in the sand is your best bet.
Still a good easy coral to care for. good luck!


Although GSPs are considered 'beginner' corals, I've had an easier time getting my zoos to open.
I had days where my GSP colonies would just refuse to open and the next day they would just explode.
Just keep them under decent flow and be patient. My first GSP colony took 3 days to open.
I have some thriving under 36w PC lighting in my nano, so no special lighting demands there.


Active Member
Yes they are very easy I think to have in a tank. I have just PC lighting and mine have grown like crazy. But as mentioned they will take over so you have to make sure they are placed properly or maintain them as I am going to have to. They like good flow and look like grass waving in the water.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Debbie
Yes they are very easy I think to have in a tank. I have just PC lighting and mine have grown like crazy. But as mentioned they will take over so you have to make sure they are placed properly or maintain them as I am going to have to. They like good flow and look like grass waving in the water.

Considering the fact that they like good flow and if
they don't come attatched to a piece of rock, what are some good ways to attach them to LR?



Originally Posted by JerryAtrick
Considering the fact that they like good flow and if
they don't come attatched to a piece of rock, what are some good ways to attach them to LR?
I always use super glue GEL HAS TO BE GEL.. I dont personally own GSP's and have never mounted them but im sure its the same scenario


Active Member
Originally Posted by tr1gger
I always use super glue GEL HAS TO BE GEL.. I dont personally own GSP's and have never mounted them but im sure its the same scenario
I have glued corals that have hard bottoms. GSP is like a mat and I have been told not to glue the entire bottom of the mat. Might be able to glue the corners.


Originally Posted by JerryAtrick
I have glued corals that have hard bottoms. GSP is like a mat and I have been told not to glue the entire bottom of the mat. Might be able to glue the corners.
I got a peice about 6" x 2" and i just put dots of glue here and there will no ill effect. I but you could use a couple loose rubber bands if possible


Active Member
Originally Posted by JerryAtrick
I have glued corals that have hard bottoms. GSP is like a mat and I have been told not to glue the entire bottom of the mat. Might be able to glue the corners.
I usually do just glue the entire bottom. Something good and flat - like tile, a large clam shell, etc - works well. I just take the mat of GSP out of the water, dry the base off a bit, and glue it.
To answer the original poster, I've had GSPs that have taken over a week to open up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by scott79
yesterday i bought a green star polyp and it still isnt out!!! is this normal?? Do they require alot of light??
I know this isn't part of your question, but aren't you afraid your puffer will eat it?


Active Member
rubber bands would scare me in a tank, especially if they were just lying around the house.
if i cant crazy glue it, i tie it down with fishing line.


Active Member
Another thing I have used is cotton thread. It works great to just be careful to not put it so tight as it will cut through the coral you are trying to attach.
I have used elastic bands too but they tend to break apart really fast in the water.
Super Glue as mentioned is the best.