Green Algae & Chaeto


Hi all:
I have a 3 gallon refigium that is attached to my sump that has a small sand bed and some chaeto in it. I used to have a small cyano problem which I no longer have in the main tank but some of it got into the refugium and no matter what I do I cant clean it all off the chaeto so it grows on it.
I was going to remove the clump of chaeto to get rid of the last trace of cyano but then I have no macro algae until I order some new stuff.
I was thinking of taking some of the green algae in my overflow and seeding the refugium. I believe that it is green hair algae and it grows like wildfire in the overflow since the main lights hit it. I dont have any signs of the stuff in my main tank as I have a foxface, lawnmower blennie, emerald crabs, hermits and such.
Any thoughts?
My only concern is that my overflow goes into a filter sock that catches any hair algae that gets away. My refugium goes into my sump and straight up to the DT.
I just trimmed the algae in the overflow last week and removed some added clumps so it doesnt look filled.

Closeup of Refugium:

Closeup of Algae in Overflow:


Active Member
you have way too much macro in there, take half of it out and throw it away, give it away or sell it to you LFS.


I throw out about half every 2 weeks or so ... Cant really sell this stuff since it has cyano on it.
Anyone else have any thoughts on using the algar in my overflow in my refugium?