Green algae on glass and live rock!!


Recently have had an explosion of green algae forming on my glass and live rock and some of the corals also.
This algae does not have a slimey texture as
far as stringy pieces coming off it.
Very low profile and med to dark green.
Any ideas,...Too much light?
over feeding?
newbie Phil

mr . salty

Active Member
Hey Phil, mine has the same stuff. It doesnt seem to be growing too fast though. My yellow tang is keeping it under control. Clean off the front and sides but leave it grow on the back (good for your tank) Maybe get a cleaning crew for the gravel. STEVE


New Member
check your phosphate level. if it is high (which it probally is )get some phosphate remover. how long are you keeping your lights on. you gotta have a good clean up crew. maybe add some more blue leg crabs and astrea snails( good on glass)
[This message has been edited by jimos (edited 07-03-2000).]


Most likely if you are using tap water as the source of your water changes you are introducing a higher phosphate level. This could be the cause of your problem. Also cut back on the feeding or scoop out any extra they do not feed. The cleanup crews are a great idea. I have had them in there since day 1 of my tank and have not yet had a problem.


it matters on how long your lights are on ( 8-9 hrs a day) how much you feed them.... and the phospate lvls...