green algae


Green algae have developed on my walls and on my crushed corals. They look like algae but when I scrape them off or scoop them off of crushed corals, they are very long and slimy-like. Almost like.. sea weed. I left them alone right now but should I bother? Are these good algae or should I eradicate them?

mr . salty

Active Member
It could be hair algae,but more likly it's SLIME ALGAE. This is not good in the tank.It is usually brought on by poor water quality.More specifically,high Nitrates and/or Phosphates.Leaving the tank lights on too long each day can also cause this.What are the water readings??? what kind of lighting,and how long is it on daily???


oh man, that sounds bad. Readings are all 0 but I usually put the lights on from 9am to 11pm or so. Basically when I wake up and when I go to sleep.


14 hours a day way to long for light to be on. cut down to about 7-8 hours a day for a wile they should be on 9 hours max. :eek:


You might want to leave the lights off for a couple days if you don't have anything in the tank that will need light. Then you can start leaveing the lights on for 6 to 7 hours a day. This will help stop the process of it growing. Good Luck


:) I guess I went way overboard on the lighting. Thanks for the tips and information guys. I greatly apprecieate it. ;)