Green Algae


New Member
I have a 80gal reef/fish tank, and it's been setup for 6 months now however recently since i have added my last 2 fish Highhats, my algae bloom has increased. Any thoughts or advice would be great, because my local fish store just keeps selling me inverts to eat them and tell me to do a water change and nothing is working.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by RichSloan
Do you have any advice on this Green Algae with bubbles???

Yes, do your water changes, never use tap water only RO, increase water flow by either re-directing the ones you have or getting more, and don't overfeed the fish. Get a product called Phosphate-E to get rid of extra phosphates.


I'm having a similar issue in my biocube 29, the algae has nearly covered two rocks, the sand, and is stubborn to get off the glass, it has bubbles all over it as well.
I have been using R/O water ( so my lfs is telling me they are selling) Maybe I need to invest in a R/O unit come tax return time. What other options are there to rid this stuff?


What kind of equipment are you running ... ie Sump? or Refugium? Lighting? How long are the lights on? how many fish do you have, How often do you feed them? How much? What kind of skimmer? Do you test your water params? What do they look like? What kind of trends do you see in your readings.
I had TONS of green algae problems myself and my LFS offered the same advise, sold me the send additives etc, All i needed was some better equipment and all problems solved. Namely my skimmer, Upgraded to a good one for several hundred bucks and within 2-3 months all algae GONE, and i only have to do water changes every 2-3 even 4 weeks now instead of doing 20-30% weekly with no success. the extra money for a godo skimmer has saved me a fortune in salt mix.