green algea !


I need help. I have had my tank running for approx 5 months now and have had problems with ich. I put my fish in a QT tank and then, ALGEA!!! huge amounts of algea! What can i do to get rid of this. It's green algea like you'd find in a swamp. it smells bad also when taken out of the water. I have 20 turbo snails in there with 1 spider crab. what would be the best way to take care of this problem. it's a 125G with LR. no fish right now.:thinking: :notsure:


everything is within normal except for pH (8.2) having little trouble with that salinity 1.023ppm al others @ 0. and i used normal wter which i now know was not the best idea. Would it be easier to start again? If so what would i do with LR. gonna go now we are expecting tornadoes so talk to yall later.
thanx again for the help:happyfish

salty cheese

Active Member
You don't have to start over. I would start using RO water, also I forgot to ask how long do you keep your lights on for?
Don't forget to duck and cover:D