Green algee all over


Hi there.
I am runing my metal lights about 11 hours a day 400w 10k with 2 vho and have sps.
I have a light green algee all over my live rocks.
My phospate is 0.3.
How do i take out this algee and were its comming from.
You can run Phosban to lower the phos a bit, and freshwatermollies can be acclimated to saltwater, and in a tank they love to eat all kinds of algae, if you dont want to higher your bioload by adding a new fish, acclimate a pair of mollies and let them go to town. Sea hares also eat a tone of hair algae.
But first lower phos and see where you are then


I went today to the local fish store ( its x mas day) and got a sea urchin, they had no sea hear.
I hope that it will do part of the job.
I am working on the poshpat isuue, its going down.
Happy hollydays.


Originally Posted by Isaac
Hi there.
I am runing my metal lights about 11 hours a day 400w 10k with 2 vho and have sps.
I have a light green algee all over my live rocks.
My phospate is 0.3.
How do i take out this algee and were its comming from.
Man, am I glad to see this post.
I am having the same exact problem!!! I don't has a phosphate test kit but will get one tomorrow to see where I am sitting.
I have also adjusted my lighting down a lot to see where that takes me too.

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by Copernicus45
You can run Phosban to lower the phos a bit, and freshwatermollies can be acclimated to saltwater, and in a tank they love to eat all kinds of algae, if you dont want to higher your bioload by adding a new fish, acclimate a pair of mollies and let them go to town. Sea hares also eat a tone of hair algae.
But first lower phos and see where you are then

freshwater mollies can be acclimated to saltwater?!?!
Yes, you have to acclimate them by drip method over night, you put them in a bucket with the FW they where in, start a suction in a 1/4" tube going from your main tank, to the bucket, add a little valve at the end you can buy at the LFS and have the water drip in very slowly, IE 1 drip every 2 seconds.