Green Anemone dieing!


looks like my anemone is dieing looks like his stomach is coming out of his mouth and there is stringy stuff coming out to does this mean he is dead
help what should i do


Kinda sounds like it could be taking a poop.. can you post a picture. it would be much easier to tell with a picture. Is it bleached and turning white ? here is a picture of my neon I lost recently and it was not stringy stuff coming from mouth.. it was bleached out and stringy stuff coming more from foot area.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GREG2424
looks like my anemone is dieing looks like his stomach is coming out of his mouth and there is stringy stuff coming out to does this mean he is dead
help what should i do
Nothing wrong with that. They cannot digest andso they expel what the acids/bacteria inside cannot break down. Mine does that about 1 day after feeding and then will shrink to the size of a nickel and then next day be back to the softball size.


Active Member
How long have you had it? What size of tank, lighting and also placement in tank of animal? When did you feed it last?


i put him in yesterday what i heard they move where they want to
have not feed it yet i have a 55 with 6 watts a gallon