Green Banded Goby Question


YAYYYYYY...they finally are in stock.....I am ordering shortly
MUST ASK THOUGH....they are tiny.....I was gonna order 2....can you get 3, or is that a bad idea?
this is for the seahorse 28G cube....all that is in it is 4 erectus and cuc


Well-Known Member
They will fight and there will be death. Are you willing to live with the consequences of this being so?


Well-Known Member
Given their reputation I'm leaning towards two of them to be pushing the limit in this tank. I say try it and report back to us. If they chew eachothers faces off then the rest of us will know it was a bad idea and not to do what you just did. Good luck, and may the force be with you.

shrimpy brains

I have read they can be housed in small groups of 3 or more. Never had them myself, just what I read.

shrimpy brains

lol Sorry! If they start fighting, it's not like you don't have another tank where you can move 1 or 2.


Well-Known Member
Just teasin, Meow. I was getting a little stir crazy at work and ready to leave. But I have a cold corona in my hand now and all is well in the world again. Actually I have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to these fish I've never had one either. But a quick search leaves me to believe that you could do 3 of these fish as they only max out at around 2 inches for the males. It seems as though it's quite fine to keep them as harems with a male or not...kinda like anthias. I say go for it.


HAHA....I ordered 3
.....As Shrimpy said.....I do have other tanks if need be LOL
I also ordered 10 margarita snails,4 tiger sand conch, 5 trochus snail, and a blue-sided fairy wrasse (for the 225) ( Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura)
$140 BUCKS goes fast