green bird wrasse in a community tank?


New Member
Does anyone have experience with a green bird wrasse. I am thinking of adding a medium sized one to a 135 gallon fish only tank with live rock and good filtaration. Tankmates would be a 5" naso tang and 2 4" butterflyfish (raccoon and heniochus). I've heard they can be agressive, but is it "territorial agressive" like tangs or plain "evil agressive" like a trigger? I've also heard they can jump out of a tank. Any info would be helpful.

desert fish

New Member
I've had one for 6 months now - they get pretty big 10"now. Is a good community fish as are most wrasses (excluding the Lunare and related members) - ignors everyone big and small including a firefish and a coris wrasse. It's in a 250 gal tank which also includes members of the genus you have. So far no jumping behavior - of course I just had a 8" Volitan jump and I would have swore that could never happen


they are aggresive in two ways .. swimming and feeding that's about it they gennerally won't bother other fish but when it comes to zipping from one side of the tank to the other they do it constantly and they like most wrasses require plenty of live foods.. pods gammerus mysids what not.. but they are a fun fish.. and you've got a big enough tank for one while i wouldn't put one in anything smaller than that.. good luck


My wife had one in the tank she had before I knew her. It killed every fish (hogfish, hawkfish, trigger, etc.) she put in the tank except for the perculas that were in the tank first. Now, had she added him last it *might* have been a different story...