Green brain gone white

Help me, my green brain has turned white, is it dead, it looks like a skeleton, but doesnt look dead, can you help? my 55 gallon tank, two power heads, underground filter, protein skimmer, clown fish, figi rocks, jewel rock skip, scooter blenny, cleaner shrimp, gobies, ebili angelfish, all happy and healthy....Nitrates/Ph is good, lost a seahorse in 2 days and something ate my sand sifting starfish, any suggestions?? thanks in advance


New Member
I am new to the game too, so keep that in mind. However from what I have read, the color in the open brain coral is nothing more then algae living off the surface of the coral. If your color is gone, your algae prob went too. Try to figure out the reason for this and you can bring your color back. Lighting and water cemistry are the two easy answers to why your algae died off. That is all I can offer you.

nm reef

Active Member
I believe you posted about this a few days back....doesn't sound good <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> .
The coral may be a lost cause at this point. If the tissue has receded to the point where its skeleton is exposed it may not recover. . I think we aked for additional info on your tests....but that info may be needless now. However info on your system may help prevent future problems.....sorry to hear about your of luck! :cool:
the open brain doesn't seem fully skeleton. all other corals in tank (brown polyps, etc. seem to be doing very well. i am not sure that i should give up on this brain yet. my light (can't remember what type but cost $180.00 and is made up of two tubes of light going across the tank. will look this info up and add to my info asap. thank you for all the help so far. still don't know if i should get rid of brain or leave in tank and keep trying. water flow is more than moderate. could this be a problem. wasn't before.
again thank you all for your help. it is nice to be aboard a saltwater fish place full of helpful and friendly people. great place. good folk. thanks again. seeker of truths.


New Member
I would try feeding it silversides directly to see if it will eat. I have a tooth coral that is losing it's color also. I'm feeding it extra to see if I can save it. I have fed it 2 days in a row so far. Will try again today. Good luck to you!