Green brain - just got it and it won't eat. :(


We purchased a really nice green brain on Saturday, and after having gone through one loss of a brain I am really skeptical about my success rate.
Trying to do better this time, I wanted to make sure I stayed ontop of feeding it (something I tried to do the last time). My problem is that I never see his feeder tentacles come out! I wait about an hour after the lights go out, and no tentacles...
I even tried placing a piece of Krill on his body (where I thought the mouth was) and he wouldn't take it.. Then again, I cannot see any visible opening on it so I cannot say for sure where his mouth is..
Anyone have any suggestions? I really don't want to loose another brain. :(


Active Member
Assuming your tank is in the proper order to support a brain as in water chemistry, stability, lighting I'd give it a while to adjust to your tank. I have 2 open green brains. One has it's feeder tentacles out practically all the time and eats small pieces of chopped fish 2 -3 times a week. The other one is a rescue from someone elses tank. It had begun some tissue recession and was going downhill quick. I've had it almost a month and it is plumping out nicely but I still haven't seen it's feeder tentacles and it doesn't take food directly. It must be getting nutrition though because it is really improving. HTH

blue dew

I have one Open Brain Coral and went through a similar thing with the tentacles. I discovered that my coral extends them later on at night/early in the morning. I feed mine when I get up (5am) and the tentacles are all out. Tank is still dark at this time.
The other thing I discovered was that I have to feed something to my 2 Cleaner Shrimp prior to trying to feed the brain, otherwise they pester it and steal the food. Usually give them each a small piece of squid, fish, mussel or shrimp, same as the brain coral. Hope this helps.


Great, thank you for the replies!
I had to laugh when I read your cleaner shrimp comment though, I experienced the exact same thing last night.. They kept coming up to my fingers trying to steal the krill from me, so I eventually gave in and gave them a piece for themselves..


I bought a red brain and an open green brain. They were doing great the first week I had them. Then I did a water change and all the sudden they weren't doing so well. (My wife picked them out. So I keep telling her, her brains aren't doing to well. It's a good laugh). I checked my water params and they were all good. I was finally seeing some coralline on my back glass too.
Then I read on hear to look for their tenticles to come out at night. So after almost 3 hours since the lights had gone off, the red one had it's tenticles out. I went to get a piece of krill out of the freezer and fed it to him. Woke up this morning and he looked plump. Like when I first got him.
My open green brain looked full last night after the lights were off like when I first got him but when I woke up he shrivled up again. I was looking for his tenticles last night when I saw the red one but nothing was out. I stayed up till 1AM waiting. I'm going to try again to see if they come out tonight. If not, should I still try to put some food around what I think is the mouth area?
How often should I spot feed them? I don't spot feed any of my other corals and they're all doing great.