green brain


New Member
i have a green brain, i talked to two lfs in the area and both told me diffrent things. my question is do i put it in the ls, or up into the lr. or which would be better for the coral.
thanks for the help. :confused:


I have had different types of brain, and while im sure the answer you get will vary, this is at least what seems to work in my experience.
If your brain has a skeleton that would lift it off the sand, you can put it in the sand. If your brain is one of the types where its 'skin' plops over its sides to such an extent that it would hit the sand, then I would advise putting it in a rock.
I have literally had a very happy brain, that I moved from a rock to sand JUST while cleaning, and it closed up and would NOT come back out til I put it back on the rock.


I tend to agree with alianated. I ony have experience with the Open Brain corals, which have hard skeletons. They should do fine on the sand or rock as long as their other requierments are met.
With the closed brain types I'm afraid I have no experience with them.


Active Member
I have 2 open and one closed. My closed is much happier on the rock than it was in the sand. I dont know if this is b/c it gets more light though. One of my open brain is happier on the rock and the other is happier on the sand. I guess you just have to experiment.