Green brittle & Coral banded


Active Member
Green brittle and coral banded shrimp. Are they reefsafe? Is the cbs fish safe and the brittle star coral safe? Any experiences? I am getting one of both for free, and they have been in a system for over a year and not touch his zoos, gsp etc. The cbs hasn't bothered a fish neither? What do you think?


Active Member
in my limited experience CBS are fine, i had a really huge one and he just hung out under the rocks, he was cool, till that monster crab i had got him
i have since replaced him with a much smaller one and dont see it that often :confused:
no experience with brittle stars


Active Member
Thanks for the info, hate to hear that about your shrimp, because the monster crab. I don't think the brittle would be safe, but I want to see what some people thought?
Anyone else?


I just bought a reef kit from this website and it included both brittle stars and CBS. I haven't gotten it yet, but i am pretty sure that they are reef safe.:D


Active Member
well the cbs is going in, but i have heard bad things about the green brittle stars...
both green brittles and cbs are reef safe. I have atleast 6 brittles in my 55. They are scavengers and will not mess with your corals.


I have a Green Brittle Star that is about 12 inches across and is a model citizen in our tank. He likes to wrap an arm around my finger if I get close to him and I have taken him out of the tank many times that way just to make sure I can because, I hear so much bad about them. They are scavengers so if one eats a fish, I would bet it was dead before he got it. As far as I'm concerned he is a great addition and I'm glad I bought him. We also have a serpent star that is about 8 inches across but he is shyer than the green brittle star.


Hi kpk, just hought I'd put my 2 cents in. I have both and I thought my cbs ate one of my fish but I later began to think that fish died on it's own. He has been in my 20 for about 5 months and now in my 72 for a good three months. He's been good and I have him in with other shrimp. The green brittle I have is great. I just make sure I keep him fed with silversides and shrimp (from the grocery store). He takes it right from my hand. I can usaully find him real easy. doesn't hide to much. I think you'll love them. Jenny


I have a green brittle star and I had a cbs that used to hang out near the brittle star till one day my brittle star ate him! He also eats my snails so I think I'm going to remove him so I don't have to keep buying so many snails.


Active Member
Thanks everyone for the replys. I got them tonight along with a cleaner some snails an anemone/yesterday and some polyps. I guess i will give the cbs and gbs a try, I don't want my watchman or clown to get eaten. Here are some pics...


wow that is a big green brittle star. Just make sure you give it some food and I don't think you will have any problems. Keep a watch on him and if you need to take him out. You could always find someone with a haliquin shrimp that needs a meal is he's not good.


GBS are opportunistic feeder and scavengers. if they are hungry and come across a sleeping fish... its a wrap!!!
just keep him full and you should be fine.
CBS: I have had one for a year and other than chasing fish away when he is sleeping. he is fine. Hasn't bothered anything... actually I saw him cleaning my naso Tang a few weeks ago.


Active Member
Yeah this thing is huge, it probably stretches a ft. and a half or so. I guess I will keep a watch on it. I have 3 other reg. brittles and they are great, but the green might be going to the lfs. I don't want to have to worry about my fish and all that. The cbs is really cool for how long I have had him.
Thanks all,