Green brittlestar...killer or scavenger?


New Member
My damsel is missing, no carcass to be found. He did not appear ill at all. Water parameters are excellent. My green brittlestar is a good size one,I guess,legs are each about 5 inches long.Is he a suspect? He has been in the tank for about 3 weeks and this is the first disappearing fish. Other residents are a choc. chip star,damsel, and scooter blennie. The LFS guy told me to feed the brittlestar a small shrimp once a week. The damsel disapeared the day before "feeding day".Just would like your opinions on whether this star needs his own tank without fish.Thanks!
I have heard people say that the green brittles are a bit aggressive. I have kept one for almost 5 yrs. without a casualty, but this is my experience. I have two yellow tail damsels, and they are much too quick for the starfish.


Its also possible that something else killed the damsel and the brittle ate the remains. If your brittle had eaten the damsel he would look a little swollen in the middle. I feed my brittle 2-3 times a week. I can always tell when he's hungry because when I feed the other fish he'll come out waving his arms around. So far he has never hurt anything in my tank.
The green brittles are very aggressive and will kill tank mates given the opportunity. The black ones are not predatroy in nature. The best way to keep this from happening is to make sure your green brittle ia fed enough by you so he leaves his tank mates alone. It's really not his fault he ate your damsel....he was just hungry and did what he would have done in the wild. HTH
Originally posted by Heavenly Damsel:
<strong>It's really not his fault he ate your damsel....he was just hungry and did what he would have done in the wild. HTH</strong><hr></blockquote>
I don't think it was established that the brittle star ate the damsel. Let's not convict before the trial.LOL
<img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />

here fishy

If your damsel got sick and was lying near the bottom either of your starfish might have nibbled on him...My chocolate chip ate fish, coral, sponges and starfish alike. Just be very observant for a while. IF you witness an action then remove the culprit..I have several brittle starfish and they are peaceful although nocturnal...


I would bet it was probably the Choc Chip starfish if I had to lay blame.
if that's the case, my brittle star never had the chance to become a killer. he was shredded by the small red w/ white polka dotted hairy legged hermit crab. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> crab now lives in his own tank. :(