Green BTA Question


Originally Posted by nycbob
i hv the same type of bta. get a clown fish, the bta will be much happier. my clownfish defend his bta like crazy. if a shrimp tries to steal the bta's food, my clownfish will chase the shrimp away.
My clowns are tank far they haven't touched the BTA. I'm hoping that they will, but not so sure.


Originally Posted by nycbob
ocellaris will host a bta. i hv seen it many times.
Even tank raised? I've read that it is a learned behavior so tank raised clowns don't host as easily. Is there anyway to encourage it?


Active Member
Thanks for posting the specs...all seem fine and nothing there to indicate a specific problem that I see.....
Hopefully the anemone will attach somewhere soon and live a long life.
Sorry I cant be more help...
A healthy anemone does not need a clown hosting in it to be happy.
I have heard/read that a picture of a hosting clown/anemone placed near the anemone might attract the clowns to it and also that shineing a light on the anemone at night might attract them there also....
I wish you luck with it....