green bta split :)


Active Member
was trying to find a fish today when i found a baby green bta :)
my green bta is huge, and i was wondering what was wrong with it--it looked weird.


Active Member
the big one full spread out is about 3-4" diameter top, bout 2" foot. the split off is only about 1" diameter foot, hasn't spread out yet.


Active Member
i got a nice pic of my bta this morning and will post it later :) i THINK he finally found a home in the front of my tank inside a devil head shaped piece of rock :)


Active Member
i've been giving it my mush (scallops, shrimp, clam) along with some cyclopeze every couple days. i think it may have split is in my devils head rock, and there's a circle in the rock that it looks like it is hanging out of independantly of the other circle.
here he is under my actinics, but before moving completely into the devil's head.


what sized tank do you have?your gbta looks bleached, anenomes will split also when stressed,130watts is not enough