Green bubble spew...


I have a green bubble coral which is doing awesome, but it keeps putting out this red stuff, which I believe it does to warn off intruders. Not sure, but when it settles, it settles on my sand bed and I have to keep cleaning the sand and rocks it lands on. Any idea why it is doing this. I have had him about 6 months now and it is healthly and beautiful and loves to eat. There are no other corals or anemones right next to it. Thanks.


I read somewhere that they expell a toxin when they feel threatened. I cannot locate the article. Did not know if that was the case and if there is no initial threat to the bubble I was wondering if I should move it from where it's sits. Not sure.


More than likely its waste,my brain coral does this all the time,usually a couple of days after a heavy feeding.


Active Member
Sounds like waste to me as well. Almost all corals secrete toxins when threatened or even all of the time. However, these toxins are mostly invisible to the
