green bubble tip anemone


i have a green bubble tip anemone which I had for about 8 weeks now. for the first 2 weeks, it was actually green and bright.. and for past 5-6 weeks, it has been dull and brown.. still alive, but has no spice to it.. my clownfish lives in it..
my tank:
salinity: 1.023
PH: 8.3
Calcium: 400
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 5
kh: 9
250 x 2 MH ( 500W )
what is missing? why wont the anemone remain bright or green atleast?


Actually, brown isn't a bad thing. That means it's getting back it's colony of little photosynthetic organisms that keep it alive. My anemone came in pretty bleached, and now is the color of mud and is sort of marbled with the neon green, but the brown is the dominant color without a doubt. It's doing beautifully. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


I have a green as well and, except when it is expelling waste, it rarely looks "green" except when you look at it from certain angles. It is a nice brown now with a hint of green if you get to see it at the right angles.


just make sure you have the strong lighting as well to make sure its getting enough food threw its light sorce as well but it doesnt sound bad just give it time.


hi guys
i dont feed the anemone anything... wat do u feed an anemone? gow do u feed it? i thot my nemo should be able to feed it as it wastes in it..
do anemones like strong lighting? i feel mines is too strong..


Anemones need mostly high lighting for the zooanthxella to produce sugars for it; they also need some additional food periodically. You can try silversides or pieces of raw seafood (shrimp, clam, etc.).
I feed mine once every 5-10 days. I give it a piece of silversides or raw shrimp, nothing bigger than 3-4 pea-sized pieces. Clownfish may or may not feed your anemone for you; mine will actually try to take food out of his host.


how come when my lights are on, my anemone doesnt try to come out or open up fully to it?? it seems to go under a rock


It may need to adjust to the stronger lighting. Check out the clownfish and anemone forum on here--there is loads of information. The bubble tip is actually a very common anemone, and there are literally hundreds of threads with information about them.