Green Bubbles

craig don

Does anybody know what this green bubble is? When I got my live rock I had a couple of these bubbles on it. There seem to be more of them now and they are getting bigger.


Active Member
Are you sure your LFS isn't selling grape caulerpa, it looks like a clump of bubbles.
True bubble algae is a big nuisance, I had some and my emerald crabs ate it up. Be very careful trying to remove by hand if you burst the bubble it will spread the algae.

craig don

I have the same questions as Ivanfj. Do emerald crabs get along with other tank mates? I have red and blue hermits, snails and two pep. shrimp. What else do they eat besides bubble algae?
Thanks for all of the replys,


Active Member
I have never had a problem with my emerald crabs, but they are crabs and I will never trust anything with claws. Mine spend all day eating algae.
My Emerald is a VERY opportunistic scavenger. He grazes on algae all day (including bubble), but he will go after any kind of food that's added, along with anything that dies in the middle of the night. I've never seen him act aggressively toward anything living.


shame on you guys! Bubble aglae has a bad name! If you like the looks of it, what does it hurt?
I have some green bubble in my tank and it doesnt spread. Just a few clumps here and there.
I have a wierd RED bubble algae with a striped pattern on it. I think it looks cool and put it at the top of the tank to help it grow bigger.
I guess it is all about what you like.
I do not use emerald's. I had one and he scraped off purple coralline and ate it. Then he attacked one my toadstool leathers. Also he would go into polypos after I fed them and steal their food.

craig don

I kind of like the way it looks also. If it starts to get out of hand then maybe I will get an emarald crab. But right now I only have maybe 10 bubbles in the tank. Does anybody know how big they can get?


The individual bubbles wont get very big, but they forms clumps,. which I think look very cool. If they get out of hand, take the rock out and scrub them off.
But in my tank they do not get out of hand. And let us not forget those lil bubbles are scrubbing the water of bad stuff and adding oxygen!
Rock on lil bubbles!!! :D