green carpet anemone


New Member
I recently got a carpet anemone, and his mouth is open and it looks like its insides are coming out. Is this normal?


dont claim to know much about these however isnt that how they eat. like a starfish they hold the food and wrap there insides around it to disolve it? Again Im just guessing :notsure:


Another Utah person here....:)....well just a few more questions....tank size, age, number of inhabitants, Light, water parameters, anemone condition before addition to the tank, how was acclimatization done, ...


New Member
The tank is 120 gal. we have a metal hi-lite,2 clowns, a tang, a pipefish,3 dartfish gobbies,a royal gramma, 2 Dories, 5 shrimp, many crabs and snails, 150 lbs of live rock, a rose anemone, a tube anemone, afew different corals, and 2 featherdusters. The tank is 10 mo. old, pH 8.3, amonia .0, as well as the nitrites and nitrates, everything is good. I got the anemone yesterday in the mail from, it looked so-so, I took off 2 of the 3 bags it came in and and then let it float for abt 45 min. then I took it out of the bag w/ a net and put him in the tank. He moved around and stuck to a rock for a while, but this morning he wasn't stuck to anything. I fed him some krill, he took it but it took him awhile. I called the fish store where we shop and asked them, they told me to remove some sand and set him on the bottom of the tank, so I've done that now too.:D


since you already have anemones in the tank that are doing well I take it that the water and light conditions are pretty good. The anemone is probably still adjusting, probably stressed from the trip and getting used to the salinity, etc. I'd give it some more time. Probably wait a couple of days before feeding him again. Am sure he will get better with time and TLC. I have a couple of BTA's and one LTA that had me worried when I first got them....but now they are doing great....BTA's are like 4 weeks and LTA is about 6 weeks. I did notice that my anemones started to do a lot better after I stopped dosing the tank with too much chemicals for the corals. Good luck with the anemone (you did your part of acclimatizing slowly) and keep us posted on how things go.


New Member
hey jake,
you don't mind if I call you Jake do you? Thanks for the input and help, I'll keep you posted on how it does.


most really good friends already call me no problems there at all....:)


sorry to hear about your loss....:(.....I know its hard to see a good anemone and dollars go down like that. I had killed a few at the beginning of my marine adventure. Two sebaes, 1 ritteri and a condy. My present batch of anemones have fared much better. If you ever decide to purchase an anemone, it might be better to get one from an LFS versus online. Atleast that way you can gauge the anemones condition before deciding. I shied away from anemones, after my initial losses, for about 10 months before gathering the courage to buy one. If my BTAs split again, you are welcome to have one. They are a lot more hardy. Sorry once again.