I have a saddleback carpet anemone in my 72 gallon bow front and I absolutely love him. I will tell you from what I have read, they do require a lot of light. Mine started out on the bottom of my tank. The next thing I know, he's moving all over the place causing many avalanches. He has finally chosen a spot wedged between two rocks up high near the lights. I have a 260 watt pc with moon lights. I talked with my LSF and they said this was plenty. As far as feedings are concerned, I was told to feed him twice a week, but he does not eat large pieces of shrimp the way my long tentacle does. However, I did notice that my Sebae does take pieces of shrimp to the anemone after feedings. That's the other thing, I have two black and white perculas and they absolutely love this anemone. My husband bought me a Sebae clown and a Sebae anemone. The Sebae clown left its Sebae anemone for this carpet and will not give it back to the perculas!
So all in all, I would say just follow the advice of experts, but at the same time know that every person experiences something different with their tanks and their critters. Hope this helped!