green carpet anemone


i'm interested in getting a green carpet anemone. I heard they get very large. any other pros or cons?


They require a LARGE amount of light, they have a tendancy to eat whatever leands on it (i.e. fish), and they can get huge.
They are gorgeous though.
Hope that helps, i'm sure someone more knowledgable than me will chime in soon.


Active Member
"The Carpet Anemones are named for their immense size (sometimes more than a meter/yard across) and "pile" of numerous colored tentacles. These are unfortunately very difficult aquarium specimens that "shed", otherwise can/do sting and poison tankmates. Unless you have a HUGE system (hundreds plus gallons of water) and/or a substantial sized system to dedicate to just this one animal (plus possibly host fishes), you are advised to look elsewhere for an anemone species.
Of the three species of Carpets that are commensal/symbiotic with Clowns (and the Three-spot Damsel), only H. mertensii has good potential for being kept in a "mixed reef" setting... the other two species are found anchored in sand... with no other Cnidarians w/in physical or easy-chemical reach."
Copied from article by Bob Fenner.


A haddoni is what you will most likely get. They are the most common in the hobby anyways. They are pretty hardy (as far as anemones go) and don't really need too much light. A lot of VHO is enough.
They do get very big. Mine was almost 2' across. They are notorious fish eaters too. A rabbit fish, bangaii, and many shrimps later I gave it to someone who made a dedicated system for it. She loves it. It is beautiful. They just aren't made for your average reef.


You could do it in a 75. You'd just be limited on what else you could do. I'd limit fish to 2 hosting clowns. You could place some corals after it settled in.