Green Chromis Aggresive?


from my experience, i have found them to be quite agressive... i have bought 5 green chromis and two of them are the king and queen... they killed the rest of their shoal... i went out and bought 4 more and rearrange the rocks and they still killed the 4 new ones... so i say they can be aggresive.... maybe i got the mean ones.. i hope you're more luckier than me..
good luck..


I have a shoal in each of my 55 gallon tanks they are peaceful they get along and they leave everyone else in the tank alone I will add that each group was made up over time adding 2 or 3 here and there I did loose 2 or 3 total along the way but now they've been together for 8 months and they are great - side note maybe because they are many other aggressive fish seem to leave them be I had tried just one at a time found that it would get picked on big time sometimes even murdered by the other tank inhabitants - good luck!


I have 7 in my 140. As mentioned above they are very peaceful, sometimes they will bicker among eath other, but never hurt eath other. I have large to very small (The size of a dime)and they always schooling together. Good luck
I have 5 in a 105 gallon tank and they are great. Not aggressive at all and school most of the time. I also have sargent major damsels that are neat, not aggressive and school like the chromis. Highly reccomend either one. HTH

tru conch

Active Member
i have had several green chromis, none were aggressive towards each other or other tank mates. the only problem is that in some places they are collected with cyanide, which will kill them eventually. hth.


you will have one if you have a bunch in the tank that will try to become the dominate of the school they dont tend to be aggressive towards other fish though. i have 7 in my 55 this dominance thing happened bout a month after i got them now it is all calm with them they even look like they play hide and go seek with each other