Green Chromis gone red???


hey gang...i gotta quick question. Last night I went to sleep, and my green chromises were fine. As a side note, I just added 2 on Sat, and then 2 more on I now have a total of 7 of them. On one of them, it looks like he ran into a rock, and there is a bruise on his side. It is a deep red color that looks like wine. its about the size of a small pea. Then on the other one there is the same thing, but its on his tail - and it looks like it is pretruding...and thoughts. I dont really see any white spots or anything of the short....any thoughts????


Active Member
The dominant chromis is beating the crap out of them. You typically won't see this when you are standing in front of the tank, but most likely, these two will be dead within a day or two. This is probably a male/female/dominance issue, which most people associate with clown fish, but I have personally seen this with chromis.


OH NO....all i was tryin to do was to get them to school this is chromis on chromis crime???...who should I arrest?


Active Member
Biggest Chromis gets the cuffs...

But if this is what is happening, and I suspect it is, then removing the largest one (the aggressor) probably won't do any good, as the next largest one will take over his role. You will either have to live with 5 (or ever how many you end up with) or keep trying until you get lucky and come across one's that are all compatible. I have been thru this with Chromis as well as Bangaii Cardinals, but most all species have some level of hiarchy.


DO the spots show up after the lights have been off? Do the spots stay on all day or disappear after the lights have been on for awhile?


hey its 420pm, and i am just gettin home from work, and on my way to teach night classes a local the lights wont be on before I leave. I will return around 845 ish....I will keeo you posted!!!


the lights are on...and ths spot is still there...I am now missing 1 very small chromis....and last night when i went to looked like it was gettin the small one is gone...The larger one who looks like he did it has NOT been messin with anyone, and it looks like his wounds are gettin worse. Also my yellow tang has been acting strange (just doing weird things in the tank)....AND i cant find the body of the small chromis. Should I be worried??? Its a 75 gallon tank with all live rock...what could the damage be if i left him in there...


Active Member
He could just be hiding from whoever is causing this, or if he was too injured he probably wedged himself in a small crack in the rocks. Keep a check on your ammonia levels, as a decomposing fish body could cause a small spike. If it starts creeping up, do a water change. Do you have a cuc? If so, they will make a meal out of him once they find him.
Back to the tang....What exactly is he doing? This other behavioral problem with the Chromis shouldn't have anything to do with the tang, unless it is some type of bacterial infection in the tank.


he is just racing back and forth...QUICKLY...a lil different than normal. I am looking at other fish for lil whit spots...NONE on anyone. I am just concerned about my other 2 chromis. I cant find one...and there others "sores" are gettin worse than better. So i dont want him to die and cant find him too...SIGH


Originally Posted by wade163
OH NO....all i was tryin to do was to get them to school this is chromis on chromis crime???...who should I arrest?
Chomis only do well in large groups if they are introduced at the same time. They are damsels and live by the hierarchy system. My guess is that the small one is either dead or too scared to come out. That is the way that the system works. They will weed out the weak. Only the strong survive in these groups. The next strongest will fight with the strongest to be the "Alpha". On down the line it goes until there are only a few.
Originally Posted by wade163

the lights are on...and ths spot is still there...I am now missing 1 very small chromis....and last night when i went to looked like it was gettin the small one is gone...The larger one who looks like he did it has NOT been messin with anyone, and it looks like his wounds are gettin worse. Also my yellow tang has been acting strange (just doing weird things in the tank)....AND i cant find the body of the small chromis. Should I be worried??? Its a 75 gallon tank with all live rock...what could the damage be if i left him in there...
Your tang may be a part of it. He could be seen as the "Alpha" and the chromis group may head for him. Lucky for him that he carries a blade ;) He is reacting to the chaos going on right now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Lucky for him that he carries a blade
....carries a blade...
that's a good one Sep, but true.
It's about time someone with more experience chimed in here. I was running out of ideas.


thanks gang...sigh...I had 3...and i wanted the to school...but sigh...they are now...but I dont want them to die in the process


My first fish I bought were 3 green damsels back in November last year. One is larger than the rest but the 3 of them never really leave each other. They are funny to watch, act like dogs when they see me wanting me to feed them. Haven't really had any fighting issues with them yet. Put they came from the same tank at the LFS and been together since.
The reason I asked you if they stayed discolored when the lights came on is because green chromis change color in the dark to blend in with the rocks. Mine get reddish brown spots in the dark and when the lights come on they go away.
Alot of people don't like them but mine have ton of personality.


Member an update...5 only remain. I walk in the door and seem my emorald crab having a great snack...So that was probly the big one, and not the smaller one. So now I am bout to do a water change for the sake of my yellow tang. He has a lil spot of red near his tail it looks like...or maybe i am lookin toooooo hard. But everything else looks fine!!!


Originally Posted by wade163
http:///forum/post/2962085 an update...5 only remain. I walk in the door and seem my emorald crab having a great snack...So that was probly the big one, and not the smaller one. So now I am bout to do a water change for the sake of my yellow tang. He has a lil spot of red near his tail it looks like...or maybe i am lookin toooooo hard. But everything else looks fine!!!
Well hate that you lost one but they say to keep odd numbers of chromis anyway


i just did some research....but i read that the red spot may be comin from the water...or stress in the we go...doing a wather change now...


New Member
I know this is a old post but I have to reply. WOW what a bunch of idoits told this guy that the red bruises were due to chromis fighting. Adding new fish, fish dying and other fish not feeling well equals desease.