Green CHromis not eating


I got 3 Green Chromis yesterday and they have been in the tank maybe 36hrs or so. They have started to venture out more in the tank. However they tend to hide back in the liverock whenever they feel threatened. Most of the time however they stay within about a foot or so of the rock. I have dropped shrimp pellets in.. no good. I tried some flakes... no good. I then bought some seafood from the grocery store (clam pieces octopus pieces shrimp pieces etc) and soaked them for maybe 15 minutes in garlic extreme. placed it on the sand next to the liverock and nuttin. They didnt even investigate it. Tried placing one piece of octopus near a hideout and they didnt touch it there either. I dont want these guys to starve and being stupid i didnt make the LFS show me they are eating. How do i get these lil buggers to eat?


Active Member
they may still be a lil nervous. give them another day or so before you worry. and maybe try (i know you've already spent a ton on food) but try frozen plankton. all my fish go nuts for that.


Im not freaking out yet :D And the food for em only cost like 4 -5 bucks so it wasnt too bad. I will look into getting some frozen plankton as well. Should i turn the pumps off when feeding? I would assume so as things tend to go right into my overflow if i dont. Unless they drop like stones that is.


Active Member
Um...with the pumps, I leave them fish seem to prefer "catching" their food...but I don't know what sort of turnover you have with water in your tank. If your flow rate is that high then yes, maybe you should turn them off. Though if it's that high you may want to consider turning off a couple pumps while the chromis settle in then slowly re-adding pumps just to give them time to acclimate to the current...just thinking out loud...never really had that problem before...


New Member
When I first got my green chromis they would only eat brine shrimp (frozen or live). Within a couple of weeks they started eating flake (would feed a small amount of brine to get them in feeding mode & then sneak in some flake). Now they will eat just about anything. Good luck with them.


Active Member
It will take awhile for the fish to adapt. What other fish do you ahve in the tank... r u staring at the fish too close when you try to feed them? If so go to the back of the room and almost try to stay still. Alot of the times new additions will not go near the food if they see this big hug gigantic head inches away from it.


When i put my Damsel in he didnt eat at all for like 2 days, I got concerned but i made some adjustments that helped him get used to me...i dropped the food into my tank near where he was staying...he wouldnt stray to far from the live rock for the first few days. Also dropping it into the current helped as well as he seems to REALLY enjoy hunting his food.
i was told not to worry right away and my lfs was correct he eventually started he always wants to eat fat lil butthead!


The Chromis are the only fish in a 100g tank. They have a small outcropping of liverock that they hang out near. But they aalso have started roaming the full length of the tank. I left the lights off for about18 hours or so when i first put them in the tank. I have tried the seafood soaked in garlic extreme and they didnt go for it. I dropped some flakes in the water this morning and then left the room, so hopefully they will eat some of em.


Active Member
everything sounds good. They just maybe a little overwhelmed too, don't feed them too much... just relaxe and enjoy and everything will be fine...


Cool :) I havnt had a sizeable tank in about a year ( my ex got the 55g with the snowflake eel). I was spoiled by a snowflake that would eat anything and everything. Not used to picky fish :)