green chromis


I have 2 green chromis and they do nothing but sit in one spot all day. I have had them for 3 weeks and they arent breathing hard or appear sick at all. I was wondering if this is what they do when there arent enough of them to school or what. It was suggested to me that I should add one more and they will start to do something. I dont want to spend money on it though if it is just going to be another sleeper fish.
BTW I have another fish in the tank and he swims around a ton and is doing great. He doesnt chase the chromis either. The chromis were doing this before I even added the other fish. Let me know.


Active Member
I remember you aasking about this a while ago, at least i think. When i first bought mine they sat in one spot picking stuff out of the water column. Is that what yours are doing? A year and a month later the swim to all parts of my 12 and bed down in a structure of rock i made. Give them alot of time they should swim around.


I just added 7 green chromis to my 125g reef that, up until now, has only had about 20 hermits. (YEAH! my first fish!!!!)
They immediately schooled and started roaming around the entire tank riding the current.
I noticed that they were hitting the glass an awful lot and upon closer observation I realized that they were eating the copepods on the glass. So, just to see what would happen, I crumbled one flake of Formula 1 and they went crazy chasing it all down.
Guess I'm lucky :joy:
Looking at them right now, they look like a flock of sparrows chasing moths.


When I bought five chromises they all died except for one. That I have had alone for months.For some reason since he is alone he cleans my fish:yes: