Green Clown Goby discoloring


I have noticed that my Green Clown Goby has had some issues with its skin. Lately you can see some white spots on it and all of its tissue looks pale and faded. I have been treating it for ich because that is what I thought but it does not seem to be doing anything. So now I am coming to you. If you know please help this little guy out.



How have you been treating it? I don't see any ich on the fish. I see a few gold colored marks up by his dorsal fin. Is that what you are talking about or is that just from the camera? What are your water readings?


It varies from day to day in color! Peramiters are all in check not an issue there. Those spot are not gold they are white and it looks discolored not everyday. I don't know???


The next time that you see spots on him get out a magnifying glass and look at the spot closely. Tell us what it looks like. See if it is round and smooth or flat.