Green Coraline?


So I had my tank moved to and from my house during fumigation, it was covered and I mean covered in pink coraline algea. Most was cleaned off and now where the dead coraline "skeletons" were is growing again, but a lime green rather than that pink that I know. New coraline is growing already on old rocks and it is coming in the same color green. Was wondering if there is a form of coraline that is green or something.


Active Member
Well theres red, pink/purple, green, and even orange coralline algae. I noticed that I had some die and it turned greenish yellow, not sure if its just the color when its dead or what. Its very possible. I have the pink/purple and green kind in my tank, but the green is very slow growing.
I had green on a sidewall, but it ended up being the beginning of a green algae. Sometimes you'll see it on top of the substrate as well, but it loves the tank walls.
Hopefully that's not what you have, but I'd just watch it for a few weeks to be sure.


New Member
I have green grow a lot in new systems. It will eventually turn purple. In my experience it grows really fast and is welcomed by me! :)