Green Cromis


I have a yellow tang, a tomato clown and a surprisingly docile blue velvet damsel. I was looking to add some more colors to my tank, i decided on maybe adding a small school 7-10 green cromis. Would this be alright? also, any other suggestion to add color, something other than red, yellow, or blue?


I have 2 Green Cromis in my tank and they are great. Depending on where they are they change from green to blue.


Yeah, I have a couple of those too. I think they would be really cool in a small school. I decided to get a couple to also add a little color difference to the fish I had in the tank. They have a nice color to them and are very well behaved. The thing I really like about them is they are very fast eaters and will go after the tiny bits of food that stay floating around on the surface of the water at feeding time(I usually turn the pump in the sump off to stop the food from making it into the overflow). If you're talking abou the big tank in your list, I think you'll like 'em. :yes:


Active Member
In a 75 I would probly only do 5. 7 to 10 seems like alot around 21 to 30 inches of fish in just chromis and try to keep the school in an odd # for some reason most ppl say it helps and if it is an even # school they will kill one to make it an odd #. I dont know about this for sure cause I dont think fish can count but who knows.


I think 5 in a 75 would rock. Beautiful fish in personality fun to watch, like that they stay at the top and are totally reef safe. You have a docile velvet damsel? what do you have in the tank with it, I would be willing to bet if you throw the chromis in w him there screwed, the whole school, but possibly not depending on your LR. I have had two velvets and they were mean as spitfiregrittle on your mommas cornbread stove.


Yeah, the blue velvet damsel has always been docile, i used to keep him in a 29 gallon with a pair of clownfish and a pair of pajama cardinals, he never bothered any of them. Now hes in the 75 with a yellow tang much bigger than him and a tomato clown comprable to his size. In Terms of live rock, i have about 45-50 punds in there right now. Im really excited to put some gree cromis in there, probably 5, but i don;t want the velvet to take a personality 180 and kill all the poor cromis, if hes been docile with the cardinals, wouldn;t he be fine with the cromis??


Active Member
Well when you add them "probly all at once or 2 or 3 at a time" "IF" your damsle tries to chase them "all the fish probly will" at least there will be a dif fish to chace and they wont be running all the time. Then they will eventually settle in.


yeah i will totally agree with snipe on this one; I would add most of them at one time instead of taking the chance, and you said that your velvet was/is in the same tank as clowns so thats a good thing as well... what is the velvet damsels size?