green finger leather


I did a search for info on a green finger leather coral. I found there to be conflicting answers about feeding them, some say yes and some no. I have recently been told to not feed my green star polyps and now am wondering about the finger leather.
so my question is... do you feed a green finger leather or not? :notsure:
my current lighting is the coralife aqualight pro (2-150w HQI mh's 10,000k & 2-96w true actinic 03 blue) atop a 55 gal.


Active Member
i have a yellow devils finger leather i dont feed him anything in particualr but i do add some live phyto a few times a week
i think light is good and they may filter some stuff out of the water from your frozen food u feed the fish and other filter feeding foods so i would use some for it
star polyps no they just need light


Thanks murph145,
I've been feeding one tsp of kent phytoplex once a week (like to keep this stuff at a minimum). I'll probably continue this as I also keep some shrooms.
appreciate your advice.


Active Member
no problem!
i wouldnt dose anymore than that shrooms are mostly light lovers also ... i bet if u didnt even feed at all they would still be fine and healthy given your lighting


Sounds good.
Everythings been doing so well lately I just figured the filter food was part of the reason why. I will keep it at a minimum though...I'm crazy when it comes to water quality! drive my co-workers nuts probably. I work with all types of water at my job.
Thanks again.