green grass on my live rock


New Member
I have grass looking stuff on my live rock, is this good? Also, I have green algea growing on my sandbed (same color as the grass on rock, but definately different stuff), which i am assuming is bad. don't want to restrict the coralline growth so I am trying not to cut out phosphates entirely. any advise?


The grass on your rock is good, but if you have any kind of tang in your tank, like most of us do, It'll eat the grass in a few days.
If it looks like green fuzzy stuff that is hair algae and that can spread very fast I had it, it is not good for your rock. It is due to high phosphates I had to do alot of water changes with r/o water.
Originally posted by sydney:
I have grass looking stuff on my live rock, is this good? Also, I have green algea growing on my sandbed (same color as the grass on rock, but definately different stuff), which i am assuming is bad. don't want to restrict the coralline growth so I am trying not to cut out phosphates entirely. any advise?


I had the same problem. I started getting the same "grass" all over my live rock. I added 3 emerald crabs into my tank. After a couple days, I can't find ANY algea in my tank. They ate all of the bubble algea, the grass algea, and they are making a dent in the rust colored algea. The purples are coming back into the tank.
They are also fun to watch.


New Member
thanks everyone,
i definately have the green grass, (different from green slime algea) - which i also am starting to get. what eats that off without eating coralline algea? emerald crabs?


get a few tuxedo urchins .... they eat some slime algae and don't do as much damage to your corals as other ones do...


New Member
just wanted to let you guys know that the green slimy stuff i was talking about was cianobacteria (i am sure i didn't spell that right). anyhow, my lfs recommended that i cyphone out as much as possible without breaking it up (kind of a scoop and suck), and that nothing will eat that stuff. he said to change my flourescent light if it was over 6 months old, he thinks lighting has alot to do with that bacteria. i did all of this and so far have not seen a reaccurance. just wanted to let you know that it wasn't green slime algea and maybe pass on some new information. also, the green grass i have is not green hair algea. fyi. thanks for all the advice though.