Green Hair Algae & Nitrates


Will green hair aglae help reduce nitrates? I'm really curious because I have alot of the algae and I'm not registering any Nitrates. I used to be at around 10ppm Nitrates before the algae started to bloom.


Active Member
yeah they'll use it but a bunch of hair algae is as unappealing as a nitrate problem. get some green emerald crabs, LM blenny and/or whatever else will mow it down unless you like it.


The nitrate/phosphate are all locked inside the algae. That's why your test kit did not register anything. I recomend you find the source of your problem.
The algae cleaning crew will help to an extend. But, when 'nature calls', they will release the nitrate/phosphate back into your water column. Circle of life you know....


A little off the topic but if someone has bad algae problem on their LR and you put that LR in your new tank, won't that make an algae problem for the new tank???? :notsure: :notsure:


Active Member
If the water is nutient rich the alage will thrive. They (the algae) can only use what is available to grow and spread so if the source of excess nutients is limited so eventually will be the algae.


Active Member
WLA- How old is the tank? Have you changed anything lately such as water for changes, lighting or feedings? Sometimes you can get a temporary increase in algae for one reason or another. Just make sure it won't be an ongoing problem.